Chronic back pain treatment varies according to individual symptoms and conditions, hence treating such a condition can be quite a challenge for any doctor. Many patients suffering from chronic pain often experience an increase in the indications caused by inactivity and flexibility problems, especially at the starting stages of treatment. Treatments for such conditions are normally a combination of medication, physical medicine and rehabilitation, spinal cord stimulation (SCS) surgery or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and alternative therapies such as chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. Even after treatment, in most cases chronic pain cannot be cured, but rather managed to significantly improve a patient’s quality of life, for example the Suboxone can help patients simultaneously manage chronic pain and the uncomfortable symptoms during withdrawal from opioids, visit this website to know more about it.

Chronic pain can be categorized into the following groups. These are: General somatic pain is the pain from the outer body parts. Two examples of general somatic pain are fibromyalgia and chronic back pain. Visceral pain is the pain arising from the internal organs. This kind of pain can include acid indigestion, constipation, chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, appendicitis, etc. Another category is that of bone pain. The temporary pain in bones may be caused by bruises, fracture, while chronic conditions may occur from bone cancer, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many more. Muscle spasm may also cause chronic pain through recurring muscle cramps. Headaches can be a reason for chronic pain in cases of migraine, and many other illnesses. Circulatory problems can also cause this condition. Another marked category is that of the peripheral neuropathy.

This is chronic pain arising in the nerves that lead from the head, face, neck, or extremities to the spinal cord of the person.

The goal of any treatment for chronic pain is to reduce its intensity and increase the patient’s ability to function normally on a day to day basis. While the treatment depends greatly on the severity and type of chronic pain you are suffering from, it may be best to consult an expert pain management doctor in the field to get the best combination of therapies, advice and recommendations. The common advice given to patients experiencing chronic pain is to exercise at least for some time daily, get enough sleep and rest, and eat a balanced diet including vitamin B and vitamin D. In addition to this your doctor may prescribe some pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin. It is imperative to follow the prescription as told by your doctor to avoid any complications. Your doctor may also recommend using complementary therapies such as meditation, acupuncture, etc, to control the condition better.

An ideal chronic pain treatment should include a combination of therapies designed keeping your specific condition in mind. This is the reason it is most crucial that you get in touch with a reputable doctor to know your options.

The goal of any treatment for chronic pain is to reduce its intensity and increase the patient’s ability to function normally on a day to day basis. While the treatment depends greatly on the severity and type of chronic pain, it may be best to consult an expert doctor in the field advice and recommendations.

Lynnwood Family Chiropractic & Massage